My boyfriend is in culinary school in Italy through October & I'm putting together a care package to send him. He asked me to get him "black mesh pants" for while he's in the kitchen. They're in the kitchen for 10 hours a day & the pants he has are way too hot. I'm wondering if there are any chefs that could suggest anything? The only requirements is that they need to be solid black - if there's a logo it needs to be by the waistband so it can be covered by the apron. Thanks in advance!
Cooking & Recipes - 2 Answers
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1 :
I have a nice pair of light track suit pants that I think would be suitable in those circumstances. They feel sort of silky, but I know they aren't silk. I think you might find something like that in a sports store.
2 :
Hi, Heather! Whew! Italy is HOT in the summer! It has to be even worse in the kitchen. I've been all over the web for you, and I haven't seen any black mesh pants except in activewear, and they had an Adidas logo on the legs and were skin tight. Not very good for a chef.. Besides, mesh would be see-through, which wouldn't go over very well with your boyfriend's boss. There are black chef pants, and there are lightweight black chef pants. Below are some locations where you'll find the black pants, and I marked the ones which claim to be lightweight. Cotton/polyester is nice because it usually doesn't have to be ironed, but it doesn't breathe very well. (The air doesn't get through it well). Cotton does breathe, if you can only find it in lightweight. Here are the websites that carry black chef pants:,+Yarn+Dye,+Ultra-lightweight ("sun-protective clothing that is lightweight and breathable") ("lightweight") I really feel sorry for your boyfriend, and I hope you can find a pair of pants that will help him tolerate that heat. Good luck! :)