Sunday, January 25, 2009

travel in Italy for a school project.

travel in Italy for a school project...?
My younger sister needs to find out how much a boat ride would cost to go to the Stromboli volcano from palmi Italy.. does anybody know where i could find that information? i can't find it on Google anywhere..
Other - Italy - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Looks like the only ferry/jet is from Naples. Why not cross the strait of Messina into Sicily and go down the coast (stop at Taromina georgeous) and see Etna. Smoking, glows at night. You can hike it safely. Stromboli is dangerous hiking because of all the fissures spewing toxic gases. Etna would be a good 1-2 day trip. Sicily is wild and beautiful.
2 :
This is usually a reasonable site for finding ferry schedules and prices. Another is: However, the ferry only runs in the summer and the first site doesn't have prices for next season this early. According to the second site, a round trip in June from Naples is 84 euro for an adult passenger on foot. It costs more if you take a vehicle. I haven't been on this particular route, but have booked ferries through the site to other destinations.