Sunday, January 16, 2011

Is there any public CINEMA SCHOOL in Paris or anywhere in Italy

Is there any public CINEMA SCHOOL in Paris or anywhere in Italy? ?
I searched for it, but i only found private ones. And VERY expensive. I am a portuguese student, and I would like to study cinema abroad but it has to be in a public institution, or else I can't pay for the other expenses. Thank you!!
Other - Europe - 1 Answers
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If you are a cinema student, you should have heard about the "Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia" in Rome. It is a "public foundation over 70 years old that manages the "Scuola Nazionale di Cinema", where famous movie directors and professionals teach students from all over the world. Another interesting Italian public school is the Istituto di Stato per la Cinematografia e la Televisione "Roberto Rossellini", which is also in Rome. It was founded 40 years ago and teaches high school graduates skills for working in movie productions and TV studios. Other interesting institutions are the Accademia Nazionale del Cinema, Libera Università del Cinema and Scuola d'Arte Cinematografica. Contact the Italian Institute of Culture in Lisbon to inquire about the possibility of obtaining scholarships to pursue your studies in Italy.